Alternative Christmas Meats to Turkey

When it comes to Christmas dinner, most people immediately think of a succulent roast turkey or a perfectly cooked ham. However, the culinary world offers a plethora of alternative meats that can make your holiday feast truly special. Whether you’re in the United Kingdom or anywhere else, this guide will help you explore some fantastic options for a unique and unforgettable Christmas dinner.


Duck is known for its rich and indulgent taste, making it a great choice for those looking to impress their guests. A well-prepared roast duck with crispy skin and tender meat can be a showstopper for your Christmas dinner.


A traditional alternative to turkey, goose offers a rich and flavourful meat. The crispy skin and succulent meat make it a favourite choice for a classic British Christmas dinner. Be sure to serve it with all the traditional accompaniments.


Lamb is a popular choice for Christmas in many parts of the world. Whether you prefer a roasted leg of lamb or lamb chops, this tender and flavourful meat is a versatile and delicious option.


Beef, whether it’s a tender roast, a prime rib, or a well-prepared Beef Wellington, offers a robust and savory flavor that stands in contrast to the lighter taste of turkey. The rich marbling of beef creates a depth of flavor that can be incredibly satisfying for a festive meal.

Christmas is a time for coming together and enjoying a special meal with loved ones. While the traditional turkey and ham are beloved staples, exploring alternative meats can add excitement and variety to your holiday feast. Whether you choose duck, lamb, or any other alternative, the key is to cook it with care and serve it with love. Your Christmas dinner will be a memorable and delicious experience for all.